Temperature Transmitters Temperature Transmitters
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Temperature Transmitters

temperature devices

At BEC Controls, we offer a complete line of temperature transmitters. Our temperature transmitters operate on a twisted pair, 4-20mA output, and the transmitters are subject to a minimal voltage input effect.

These temperature transmitters have been calibrated for fixed range operation, and our transmitters can be used with industry-standard heads.

If you need temperature transmitters not described here, we have other thermocouple ranges and calibrations available. Ask about OEM pricing for your temperature transmitters.

Temperature Transmitters

Low Pressure Switches
Pressure Transmitters
Gauge Protectors
HVAC/Industrial Controls
    Temperature Devices
   Humidity Transmitters

   SCR Controllers
   Level Float Switches
   Signal Interfaces
   Power Supply
   Interface Devices
TT-721 Series
  • Optimum Price/Performance
  • Adjusts ZERO and SPAN
  • Voltage Linear
P-721 Series
  • Best Value in Price per Performance
  • Completely linearized
  • Industry Standard Heads