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Temperature Transmitters with Sensors

temperature devices

At BEC Controls, we have a variety of matched transmitter-sensors. Matched transmitter-sensors reduce temperature point errors. When the transmitter is matched with the sensor, sensor error is greatly reduced.

Through offering a full range of RTDs, you have transmitter - sensor choices to meet any application need.

Contact us about OEM pricing.

Temperature Transmitters with Sensors

Low Pressure Switches
Pressure Transmitters
Gauge Protectors
HVAC/Industrial Controls
    Temperature Devices
   Humidity Transmitters

   SCR Controllers
   Level Float Switches
   Signal Interfaces
Power Supply
   Interface Devices
Series T-221
  • Platinum RTDs
  • Unaffected by line noise
  • Wall, Space, Duct Applications
  • Immersion, Outside Air
  • Strap-On Applications
Series T-225
  • Platinum, Nickel, RTDs
  • Nickel-Iron, Balco RTDs
  • 10,000 Ohm Thermistors
  • Variety of Mountings


Series T-321
  • 100 ohm elements
  • 1000 ohm elements
  • Semiconductor elements
  • -40° to 250° Ranges available